Thursday, November 30, 2006


Dream no more..I am leaving for US for real! My flight is later at 5pm. I'm excited..scared..stressed with the short preparation..sad to leave home..all in one. My connecting flight will be in Taipei and will be waiting there for my next flight to San Francisco for 4-hours long! I welcome myself back to Taipei! Sure that 4-hours will come with a lot of reminiscing! Hehehe..

Moving out to my comfort zone is really downright scary but I'm being brave now to take the unknown! Li'l growing up comes with a li'l letting go. =)

1 Comment:

At Wednesday, April 04, 2007 4:47:00 PM, Blogger Mrs P said...

dear owner of this blog,

you have definitely neglected this page of yours. :P

but of course, it's perfectly understandable considering the much touring you're probably doing while realizing your dream.

take care always missy! I miss your kwentos!

truly yours,
an avid reader of your neglected blog - nette


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